India is marching towards modernisation and its hankering for energy sources has witnessed a surge in foreign investments be it the energy projects and investments in infrastructure. Naturally, it needs to encounter the challenges. Kingslaws is one of the best and the most reliable companies that clients favour and handling different aspects of energy transactions like negotiations, structuring, documentation, and implementation of complex deals. Our skills in providing perceptive and insightful advice on private and government partnerships as well as investments has established Kingslaws as one of the leading legal firms dealing with several issues in this sector. We assist the companies to determine the potential risks in several financing projects and identify those systems that establish funding structures to abolish those risks. Apart from this, it also helps in attracting investments. With a rich experience in project financing, regulation of disputes, transaction support, and creating the litigation strategies, Kingslaws has good reputation for infrastructure development right from conceptualisation to final commissioning.
We offer legal advice and representation to concessionaires, governments, and contractors on a wide range of matters like consortium arrangements, documentation of tender, bids, grant of concessions, and EPC contacts.
We offer all-encompassing legal services in this segment and the credit goes to our expertise in practising dispute resolution. Our routine appearances before the High Court and the Supreme Court along with various tribunals like the National Green Tribunal, the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity, and the Airport Economic Regulatory Authority Appellate Tribunal accounts for our experience. Besides, we also appear before the regulatory and statutory bodies, like the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions, Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board, Tariff Authority for Major Ports, and Central and State Pollution Control Boards.